Friday, November 28, 2014

Quote of the Week 2

Okay guys! This is the quote of the week, and it requires some background.
So, at my school, we have different buildings with many different classrooms in them. We also have 4 portables, which are exactly like trailers, which are near the fields for sports, or the grounds, or whatever you'd like to call them. Except these portables are just like classrooms on the inside. Unfortunately, when the weather gets unruly and harsh, the classes in the portables must move to other classrooms, and one day this week, we had to move to the Building 7 computer lab. Then, we had to go there again the next day, and when my civics teacher told us on Edmodo (a class discussion site), I replied "Again", and his resulting reply is now sitting below these words on my blog now.

"Yes, ask not what your portable can do for you, ask what you can do for your portable" 
-Mr.Brad Busboom, 7th grade civics teacher