Okay, Gryffindors, Slytherins, and Ravenclaws, take a deep breath and face the music. HUFFLEPUFF really ROCKS. (If you are too cowardly to admit this, then go ahead and read the other essays, like the one which proves you House is the best. Not expecting this, Gryffindors!) Now, you dont have to believe that Hufflepuff is the best Hogwarts House, just at least read this before you stabilize your opinion of Hufflepuff, whatever it may be. And maybe I'll change it! Just read it through, all right?
I'll admit that I am a "little" partial to Hufflepuff, perhaps because I happen to be one. Here's the saying for Hufflepuff. "Those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil" The founder was Helga Hufflepuff. Here's a picture of her, if you don't know her. Now, back to the saying. I am very disappointed to say that even some of my closest friends think that Hufflepuffs are stupid people unable to apply themselves that are loyal and follow-the-leader, manual working types. No, no, no, no, nooooo!!! Please, I beg of you, listen! Now, here's an info overload, all very TRUE, I got it from a trustworthy source and JK Rowling herself wrote it, and it proves that Hufflepuff is not the least clever House. Three successful former Hufflepuff Ministers of Magic- Grogan Stump, Dugald McPhail, and Artemesia Lufkin. The WORLD AUTHORITY on magical creatures Newt Scamander; Bridget Wenlock, the famous thirteenth-century Arithmancer who first discovered the magical properties of the number 7, and Hengist of Woodcroft, who founded the village of Hogsmeade, which lies very near Hogwarts school. Hufflepuffs all. (Oh, and me. Cant forget me!!!)
***Also, I am very proud to say, that in the Battle of Hogwarts, every House had to choose to either stay and fight for Hogwarts, or not to. Ravenclaws, some stayed, some didn't. Slytherins, for their own reasons, did not stay. All the Hufflepuffs, every single one, stayed, along with the Gryffindors. But here's the difference: Gryffindors can be reckless. They also are very dramatic, and want fame. Even JK Rowling says so. But the Hufflepuffs didn't stay in haste, or for fame, or to be known as very loyal and heroic. They stayed for better reasons. And also, JK Rowling says very clearly that her favorite House is Hufflepuff,and explains why in this video. (Click this).
Now, there is someone awesome from every House in the Harry Potter series, or at least someone with a big role. Luna's got Ravenclaw covered. Harry's got Gryffindor. Draco's got Slytherin. But what about Hufflepuff??? Apparently nobody remembers Cedric Diggory! He is supposed to be the whole point! I mean, I have nothing against Harry, Harry is amazing and awesome and handsome and funny and just plain FABULOUS. He's definitely one of my favorite characters. But what about CEDRIC? "Oh. He died, and Harry beat him in the tournament, right?" What? That is not fair!
Cedric was a very fierce friend, ever fair and loyal, and never, ever, ever cheating. He was a pure Hufflepuff, just, honest, hardworking and fair. Even Dumbledore said so. But was he dumb? No! Was he scared? Certainly not! Maybe not as flashy as Gryffindor swagger, but definitely more admirable. He and Harry would have both achieved first place in the Triwizard Tournament had the incident with Voldemort not happened. (Sorry about the spoiler!) During the third task of the Triwizard tournament, Harry and Cedric went through a maze. Harry and Cedric both worked together to fight the things in the maze, and since Harry saved Cedric during this time, Cedric told Harry that they should both grab the Cup at the same time. He had the chance to get it and win fame, and glory, and so much more. He could have had it all, and been the one to beat "The Boy Who Lived". But he didn't. He showed bravery, control, fairness, and honesty. This is a Hufflepuff, and what it means to be one. Sweet and slow, like molasses, people think. Think again.
By the way, Tonks was a Hufflepuff. She gave birth and then turned around 11 days later to fight the Dark Lord. So, yeah.
These are some of the websites and articles that really helped me and that you may find a couple of lines from this essay from.
Hufflepuff Article
Pottermore Wikia
*** The above links are my sources and part of this picture/word compilation is from these links. Also, NONE of these images are mine, they are all from Google Images.***
Coming soon: Why Gryffindor Is the Best Hogwarts House (update: this one is now completed)
Why Ravenclaw Is the Best Hogwarts House
Why Slytherin Is the Best Hogwarts House
in that order.
The village of Hogsmeade, created by? A Hufflepuff! |
Helga Hufflepuff |
***Also, I am very proud to say, that in the Battle of Hogwarts, every House had to choose to either stay and fight for Hogwarts, or not to. Ravenclaws, some stayed, some didn't. Slytherins, for their own reasons, did not stay. All the Hufflepuffs, every single one, stayed, along with the Gryffindors. But here's the difference: Gryffindors can be reckless. They also are very dramatic, and want fame. Even JK Rowling says so. But the Hufflepuffs didn't stay in haste, or for fame, or to be known as very loyal and heroic. They stayed for better reasons. And also, JK Rowling says very clearly that her favorite House is Hufflepuff,and explains why in this video. (Click this).
JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series |
Now, there is someone awesome from every House in the Harry Potter series, or at least someone with a big role. Luna's got Ravenclaw covered. Harry's got Gryffindor. Draco's got Slytherin. But what about Hufflepuff??? Apparently nobody remembers Cedric Diggory! He is supposed to be the whole point! I mean, I have nothing against Harry, Harry is amazing and awesome and handsome and funny and just plain FABULOUS. He's definitely one of my favorite characters. But what about CEDRIC? "Oh. He died, and Harry beat him in the tournament, right?" What? That is not fair!
Cedric Diggory. AKA the best guy in the world. |
By the way, Tonks was a Hufflepuff. She gave birth and then turned around 11 days later to fight the Dark Lord. So, yeah.
These are some of the websites and articles that really helped me and that you may find a couple of lines from this essay from.
Hufflepuff Article
Pottermore Wikia
*** The above links are my sources and part of this picture/word compilation is from these links. Also, NONE of these images are mine, they are all from Google Images.***
Coming soon: Why Gryffindor Is the Best Hogwarts House (update: this one is now completed)
Why Ravenclaw Is the Best Hogwarts House
Why Slytherin Is the Best Hogwarts House
in that order.
Slytherin is still the best; Merlin is from Slytherin. We also have the snazziest colors.